This glossary explains terms that are related to technical writing and to software documentation. Possibly, the terms have other meanings in different contexts.
A top of page
- a-z index (a to z index)
- Refer to index.
- access key
- With websites, an access key is a character key that a user can press to select a hyperlink or a field in a form.
- accessibility
- Accessibility is a measure of how accessible a product is. Accessibility measures the level to which people with disabilities can use a product. (A product can be software, services, or buildings.) Refer also to Section 508; usability.
- abstract noun
- An abstract noun is a noun that gives a name to feelings, qualities, and states of mind. Examples: adjustment, difficulty, happiness.
- active voice
- The active voice is a structure of English in which the grammatical subject does the action that is represented by the verb. Example: The technician opened the door. (The grammatical subject is the technician. The verb is (to) open.) Refer also to passive voice.
- adjective
- An adjective is word that describes a noun.
- An adjective is one of the parts of speech in English grammar.
- AECMA Simplified English
- AECMA Simplified English is the old name for ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English. In 2005, AECMA Simplified English issue 2 became ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English issue 3.
- agile software development
- Refer to the Agile Manifesto ( Refer also to Scrum.
- application documentation
- Refer to documentation.
- appendix
- An appendix is text that is near the end a book. Usually, an appendix contains these things:
- Information that helps some people, but which other people do not need.
- Information that is not important, but which some people want to know about.
- AsciiDoc
- AsciiDoc is a type of lightweight markup language. Refer to
- ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English (ASD-STE100)
- ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English is a controlled language for the preparation of maintenance documentation.
- ASD-STE100
- ASD-STE100 is the short name for ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English.
- aspect ratio
- An aspect ratio is the ratio of one dimension to a different dimension.
- ATA Spec 100
- ATA Spec 100 is an expired specification. It is part of ATA iSpec 2200. Refer to
- audience analysis
- Audience analysis is the identification of the requirements of users. Refer also to task analysis; training needs analysis. Audience analysis is also known as 'user analysis' or 'audience research'.
- authoring assistance
- Refer to authoring memory.
- authoring memory
- Authoring memory is software that helps technical authors to write consistently. Source text is stored in a database. When a technical author writes text that is similar to text in the database, the software supplies the stored text to the technical author. If the stored text is suitable, the technical author can use it. Refer also to controlled language; controlled vocabulary; translation memory.
- automated language translation
- Refer to machine translation.
- automated translation
- Refer to machine translation.
B top of page
- back matter
- Back matter is the American English name for end matter.
- back-of-the-book index
- Refer to index.
- Basic English
- Basic English is a type of international English that was developed by Charles K. Ogden in the 1930s. Refer also to EasyEnglish; Global English; Globish; Special English.
- bibliography
- A bibliography is a list of books, articles, web pages, or other documents. Usually, the documents in the list are related to the content of the primary document. For example, the documents contain background information.
- blog
- A blog is type of website. Usually, one person regularly publishes short articles. Frequently, readers can make comments about each article.
- breadcrumb
- A breadcrumb is a navigation aid on a user interface. Refer to 'Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices' (
- browse sequence
- A browse sequence is a navigation method in online documentation. A browse sequence is similar in concept to a wizard. Users click a button or a hyperlink to view the next topic or the previous topic in a set of topics. Usually, the topics are read in sequence.
- bulleted list
- A bulleted list is an unordered list that uses bullets (•) or other marks to show the start of each item in the list. Refer also to the terms in this bulleted list:
C top of page
- callout
- A callout is text and a line that points to an area on a graphic. For example:
- Canadian binding
- Canadian binding is a type of binding for printed documents. The pages are held together with wire. The wire spine has a cover.
- caption
- A caption is a label for a graphic.
- Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
- A Cascading Style Sheet is a set of rules that specify how a web browser displays an HTML page. The advantages of CSS instead of HTML formatting are as follows:
- The style is controlled in one location, and changes are automatically applied to all HTML pages.
- The file size of each HTML page is smaller (sometimes by 50% or more). Therefore, documents can be downloaded more quickly.
- Accessibility is improved.
- The international CSS standards are available from
- Refer to e-learning.
- CHM Help
- Refer to compiled HTML Help.
- Refer to component content management system.
- Refer to content management system.
- CNL (controlled natural language)
- Refer to controlled language.
- cognitive impairment
- A cognitive impairment is decrease in the ability to think and to remember. An accident or an illness can cause a cognitive impairment. A cognitive impairment is different from a learning disability, because some cognitive impairments are temporary. For example, a person who has a headache possibly cannot think clearly.
- comb binding
- Comb binding is a type of binding for printed documents. The pages are held together with a circular plastic comb.
- Communicator
- Communicator is the journal of the ISTC. Refer to
- compiled HTML Help (CHM help)
- Compiled HTML Help is a proprietary help system from Microsoft. Compiled HTML Help is also known as CHM help, because of the file name extension. Compiled HTML Help uses HTML.
- computer-based training (CBT)
- Refer to e-learning.
- computer-generated translation
- Refer to machine translation.
- computer translation
- Refer to machine translation.
- concordance
- Refer to under index.
- conditional text
- Conditional text is text that is published only if a condition occurs. Refer also to single-sourcing.
- component content management system (CCMS)
- A component content management system is type of content management system. Each component in a CCMS is small. For example, components are images, sentences, tables, and other parts of documents.
- content management system (CMS)
- A content management system is software for managing digital content such as websites. Refer also to component content management system; document management system; help authoring tool.
- content developer
- The term 'content strategist' is an alternative term for technical writer.
- content strategist
- A content strategist is a person who does the work of content strategy.
- content strategy
- Content strategy is the process and the methods that are used to create effective content. Content strategy is applicable to all the content that an organization creates. However, for many technical communicators, the content strategy is primarily applicable to documentation.
- contents list
- Refer to table of contents.
- context-sensitive help
- Context-sensitive help is online documentation that has context-sensitivity.
- context-sensitivity
- Context-sensitivity is the ability of online documentation to respond dependent on a user's interaction with the software. Usually, a user presses the F1 key or a help button to view help about the active dialog box. Refer also to context-sensitive help.
- controlled English
- Controlled English is a type of controlled language for English. Refer also to ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English.
- controlled language
- A controlled language is a language that has limits on how grammar and words are used. The function is to make text as clear as possible. Refer also to ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English; controlled English; controlled vocabulary.
- controlled natural language (CNL)
- Refer to controlled language.
- controlled vocabulary
- A controlled vocabulary is set of terms that a technical writer is permitted to use. The function of a controlled vocabulary is to make text as clear as possible. Refer also to ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English; controlled language.
- cookie
- A cookie is a small quantity of data that a server sends to the user's web browser. Refer to
- copyright
- Copyright is the legal right to publish a document. An author automatically has the copyright of a document, but the author can assign copyright. Refer to the Patent Office's Copyright section (
- copywriter
- A copywriter is a professional writer who does copywriting.
- copywriting
- Copywriting is the art of creating content (or 'copy'). Usually, the term refers to writing in the literary sense, instead of the engineered language that technical writers create. For example, copywriters create text for journals, magazines, brochures, and other types of marketing communications.
- crop (verb)
- To crop is to remove part of a graphic.
- crop mark
- In printing, a crop mark is a mark near the corner of a page that shows where the page will be cut. Usually, each page has 4 crop marks.
- cross-platform help
- Cross-platform help is online documentation that can be used on all software operating systems and all web browsers.
- cross-reference
- A cross-reference is a direction from one part of a document to a different part of the document, or to a different document. In a printed document, a cross-reference usually contains a page number. In an online document, a cross-reference is usually a hyperlink.
- Refer to Cascading Style Sheet.
D top of page
- Refer to Digital Accessible Information SYstem (DAISY).
- Darwin Information Typing-Architecture
- Refer to DITA.
- definition list
- Refer to glossary.
- demonstrative adjective
- In English, a demonstrative adjective is one of the words this, that, these, or those, and which is used as an adjective before a noun. The same words also can be demonstrative pronouns. Examples of sentences that contain demonstrative adjectives are as follows:
- This documentation is good.
- Those computers are defective.
- demonstrative pronoun
- In English, a demonstrative pronoun is one of the words this, that, these, or those, and which is used as an pronoun. The same words also can be demonstrative adjectives. Examples of sentences that contain demonstrative pronouns are as follows:
- This is good.
- That is too small.
- desktop publishing (DTP)
- Desktop publishing is the work of organizing text and graphics using software to create a document. Frequently, desktop publishing includes writing the text and creating the graphics.
- Digital Accessible Information SYstem (DAISY)
- DAISY is a technical standard that is used to create accessible content. Refer to the DAISY Consortium (
- digital communication
- Refer to online documentation.
- digital printing
- Digital printing is a printing technology that does not use plate or film in the printing process, unlike litho printing. To compare these methods, see 'Digital printing for software manuals'.
- DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture)
- DITA is an XML schema that is used for structured writing. DITA uses the concepts of 'typed topics', which is similar to 'information types' in Information Mapping. Refer to
- DocBook
- DocBook is an XML schema that is used for structured writing. Refer to
- document management
- Document management is the management of electronic documents from their creation to their final disposal (destruction or archiving) in an organization. Refer also to document management system.
- document management system
- A document management system is software for document management. Refer also to content management system.
- documentalist
- Documentalist is an alternative term for technical writer.
- documentation
- Documentation is information that helps people to solve problems, to make decisions, and to do tasks correctly. Refer also to online documentation; printed documentation; reference manual; user guide.
- documentation plan
- A documentation plan is a document that specifies the important parts of a documentation project. This term is equivalent to the term 'project plan'.
- domain expert
- Refer to subject-matter expert.
- Doxygen
- Doxygen is software that generates documentation from source code. Refer to
- A DTD (Document Type Definition) is a type of XML schema.
- Refer to desktop publishing.
E top of page
- e-help (ehelp)
- Refer to online documentation.
- e-learning
- E-learning is self-study training material that is supplied electronically. Usually, e-learning is supplied on the Internet. In the past, e-learning was known as computer-based training (CBT).
- EasyEnglish
- EasyEnglish is a type of international English from MissionAssist [was Wycliffe Associates (UK)] ( Refer also to Basic English; Global English; Globish; Special English; Specialized English.
- EasyEnglish is an authoring tool that was developed by IBM. EasyEnglish helps writers to produce clear English by finding ambiguous text. Refer to EasyEnglish: A Tool for Improving Document Quality (
- Easy Read
- Easy Read is English that is written specially for people who have learning difficulties. Refer to 'Making written information easier to understand for people with learning disabilities: Guidance for people who commission or produce Easy Read information' ( Refer also to Easy-To-Read.
- Easy-To-Read
- Easy-To-Read is a set of European recommendations that helps writers to make information easy to read and easy to understand, specially for people who have learning difficulties ( Refer also to Easy Read.
- Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS)
- EPSS is an electronic system that is immediately available and that helps people to do their tasks. Unlike online documentation for only one software product, an EPSS usually supports all of an organization.
- electronic publications
- Refer to online documentation.
- embedded help
- Embedded help is documentation that is part of the software. Embedded help appears directly on a window, a screen, or a tab. Readers do not click a button or put the pointer on a field to see the help text. Embedded help cannot be opened independently from the software. Refer also to context-sensitive help.
- embedded index
- An embedded index is an index that is created as part of an electronic document. A technical writer marks index entries in the text, and the software automatically creates locators.
- end matter
- End matter is information that comes after the primary text in a printed book. In the context of software documentation, end matter usually includes appendices, the index and glossary. Refer also to front matter.
- Extensible Markup Language
- Refer to XML.
F top of page
- faceted search
- A faceted search is a multi-dimensional search. A user selects the facets (dimensions) to restrict the search results. Refer to
- figure
- A figure is a graphic that has a caption. Usually, the caption has a number.
- FlashHelp
- FlashHelp is a Flash-based online documentation format from Adobe. Refer also to WebHelp.
- font
- A font is an example of a typeface. For example, 'Times 12pt Bold' is a font.
- footer
- A footer is information that is repeated at the end of each page in printed documentation or on each topic in online documentation. For example, the footers on the TechScribe website all contain a copyright statement. Refer also to header.
- front matter
- In a printed document, front matter is information that comes before the primary text. Usually, in software documentation, the front matter contains legal information, copyright information, and publication date. Usually, a table of contents comes after this information. Refer also to end matter.
G top of page
- ghost-writer
- A ghost-writer is a professional writer who writes texts that are attributed to a different person. Many copywriters are ghost-writers. Usually, a technical writer is not a ghost-writer, because documentation from one technical writer is not attributed to a different technical writer.
- Global English
- Global English is type of international English. Refer also to Basic English; EasyEnglish; Globish; Special English; Specialized English.
- globalization
- Globalization is the process of making a product available globally. Globalization includes business processes and technical processes. Typically, first a product is internationalized, and then the product is localized for different national markets. Refer also to internationalization; localization.
- Globish
- Globish has different meanings:
- Globish (Gogate) ( Globish is English that has a phonetic spelling.
- Globish (McCrum)
- Globish (Nerrière). Globish is a type of international English.
- glossary
- A glossary is an alphabetic list of terms. Each term is explained. Essentially, a glossary is a small dictionary that helps readers to understand the meaning of the terms in a document.
- graphic
- A graphic is an item of art, for example, a screenshot, a diagram, a flow chart, or a photograph. Refer also to raster graphic; vector graphic.
- guided authoring
- Guided authoring is a synonym for authoring memory.
H top of page
- hard copy
- Hard copy is an alternative term for printed documentation.
- Harvard comma
- Refer to serial comma.
- Refer to help authoring tool.
- header
- A header is information that is repeated at the top of each page in printed documentation or on each topic in online documentation. For example, headers in printed documentation show the chapter title and page number. Refer also to footer.
- Help (Help file, Help screen)
- Refer to context-sensitive help.
- help authoring tool (HAT)
- A HAT is software that is used to create online documentation.
- hot spot
- On a screen, a hot spot is an area on a graphic that responds to the pointer.
- house style
- Refer to style guide.
- hyperlink
- In online documentation, a hyperlink is a link from one part of a document to a different part of a document or to a different document. Usually, the link is coloured text, or a small graphic. A user clicks the link to view the new location.
- hypermedia
- Refer to online documentation.
- hypertext media
- Refer to online documentation.
I top of page
- i18n
- I18n is jargon for internationalization. The word internationalization has 20 letters. Between the first letter (i) and the last letter (n) are 18 other letters.
- icon
- An icon is a graphic on a screen that represents a function of the software.
- idiom
- An idiom is a group of words that has a different meaning from the usual meaning of each word. For example, 'out of the blue' is an idiom that means 'unexpectedly'.
- iiRDS
- iiRDS is a standard for the interchange of data between different component content management systems. The word 'iiRDS' is an abbreviation of 'intelligent information Request and Delivery Standard'. Refer to
- illustration
- Refer to graphic.
- index (compared with concordance)
- An index is an ordered list (usually alphabetic) of terms. Index entries contain cross-references to pages or to topics. For an example, see the index to this website.
- An index and a concordance are both ordered lists, but functionally, they are different. A concordance contains only terms that are in a document. Usually, these terms are product names, technical terms, and acronyms. An index captures the meaning of the topics. Possibly, some index entries do not appear in the primary text of a document. For example, an index entry for 'data output' directs readers to topics about reports and about how to save data, but the term 'data output' is not in the topics.
- Refer also to table of contents.
- info mapping
- Refer to Information Mapping.
- information architecture
- Information architecture is the structure of information. Refer also to information design.
- information design
- Information design is an alternative term for technical writing. Refer also to instructional design.
- information developer
- Information developer is an alternative term for technical writer.
- Information Mapping
- Information Mapping is a method for analysing, organizing, and showing information. Information Mapping is a type of structured writing.
- instant translation
- Refer to machine translation.
- instruction manual
- Refer to reference manual; user guide.
- instructional design
- Instructional design is the design of instructional materials such as training courses, e-learning systems, and user guides. Refer also to information design.
- instructions
- Refer to procedure.
- interactive electronic technical manual (IETM)
- An interactive electronic technical manual is documentation that is supplied electronically and that lets a reader interact with the content. For example, a reader can rotate a 3D vector graphic. Typically, an IETM uses a database to store information.
- international English
- International English is English that is optimized for an international audience. Refer also to Basic English; EasyEnglish; Global English; Globish; Special English; TechScribe's international English section.
- international reader
- An international reader is a person who reads English as second language.
- international technical English
- Refer to ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English.
- internationalization
- Internationalization is the process of making a product culturally neutral. In documentation, things such as a idioms and cultural references are not used. Refer also to globalization; localization.
- internationalized English
- Internationalized English is an alternative term for international English.
- ISO/IEC 18019:2004
- 'Software and system engineering—Guidelines for the design and presentation of user documentation for application software'. This old international standard was replaced by ISO/IEC 26514:2008.
- ISO/IEC 26514:2008
- 'Software and system engineering—Requirements for designers and developers of user documentation'. This international standard replaces ISO/IEC 18019:2004.
- Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators ( The ISTC is a professional organization for technical communicators. Refer also to STC.
J top of page
- jargon
- Jargon is technical language that is used in a profession, or by a group of people. Jargon is suitable in some documentation. For example, in a reference manual for SQL programmers, terms such as 'table', 'entity', and '3rd Normal Form' are suitable. But, such terms are not good for the average user of business software.
- Javadoc
- Javadoc is software from Oracle that uses comments in the source code to create API documentation in HTML format (
- JavaHelp
- JavaHelp is an open source system from Oracle for creating online documentation (
- Jenkins
- Jenkins is open source software that is used to automate tasks for the building, testing, and delivering of software. Refer to
- just-in-time printing
- Refer to print on demand.
K top of page
- keyword (or key word)
- A keyword is a word or a phrase that is related to a topic in online documentation. Keywords are specified by the technical writer. Users can search for keywords, and if that keyword exists, one or more topic titles are shown to the user. A keyword is the online equivalent of an index entry.
- knowledge acquisition
- Knowledge acquisition is the strategies, the tools, and the methods for finding information, specially information that subject-matter experts know. Knowledge acquisition is one of the most important parts of technical writing.
- knowledge elicitation
- Refer to knowledge acquisition.
- knowledge management (KM)
- Knowledge management is a superset of technical communication. Knowledge management is "doing what is needed to get the most out of the collective knowledge resources in a company". Refer to the BCS article 'Working smarter not harder' (
L top of page
- l10n
- L10n is jargon for localization. The word localization has 12 letters. Between the first letter (l) and the last letter (n) are 10 other letters.
- LaTeX
- LaTeX is a typesetting system that is used to create documents that have excellent typography.
- Lay-flat binding
- Lay-flat binding is a type of binding for printed documents. The pages are held together with flexible adhesive tape.
- list of contents
- Refer to table of contents.
- litho printing
- Litho printing is the 'traditional' method of printing. For low print volumes, digital printing is a better option. For a comparison, see 'Digital printing for software manuals'.
- localization
- Localization is the process of changing a document from one language into a different language. Translation of text is a large part of localization. Analogies, symbols, icons, and colours must be evaluated and possibly changed, because their meanings can change across cultures. Refer also to globalization; internationalization.
- localize
- Refer to localization.
- locator
- In a printed index, a locator is a page number that comes after a heading or a subheading, and which tells a reader where to find information about the heading or the subheading. In an online index, no page number exists. Instead, the heading or the subheading is a hyperlink.
M top of page
- machine translation (MT)
- Machine translation is the automatic translation of text using only software without the help of a translator. Refer also to post-editing; pre-editing; translation memory.
- manual
- Refer to reference manual.
- marcomms
- Refer to marketing communications.
- marketing communications (marcomms)
- Marketing communications is an organization's methods of communication with its customers and prospects. Although some technical writers create documents for marketing communications, copywriting and technical writing are different, as we show in 'Copywriting and technical writing compared'.
- metadata
- Metadata is data about data. For example, metadata about a book includes the cost, the name of the author, and the ISBN.
- minimalism, minimalist
- Minimalism is an action-based and task-oriented strategy for creating documentation. Minimalism gives emphasis to what readers must do. A minimalist document contains only important information. The basic design is task-orientation. Brevity is important, but only because brevity can help task-oriented activity.
- Carroll introduced the term 'minimalism' in the early 1980s. Carroll gives the basic methods as follows:
- Choose an action-oriented approach.
- Anchor the tool in the task domain.
- Support error recognition and recovery.
- Support reading to do, study and locate.
- modular writing
- Modular writing is an alternative term for structured writing.
- m-learning
- M-learning is an alternative term for mobile learning.
- mobile learning
- Mobile learning is the supply of education or training on mobile devices such as smartphones.
- moiré
- Moiré is an interference pattern that appears in screenshots.
- Refer also to 'How to remove moiré from screenshots'.
- MT
- Refer to machine translation.
- multimedia
- Multimedia is the collective term for text, graphics, animation, and interactive content.
N top of page
- news feed
- Refer to RSS feed.
- non-native reader
- Refer to international reader.
- noun
- A noun is a word that identifies a person or a thing.
- A noun is one of the parts of speech in English grammar.
- numbered list
- A numbered list is an ordered list that uses numbers to show the sequence of items in the list. Refer also to the terms in this numbered list:
O top of page
- online documentation
- Online documentation is documentation that is designed to be read from a screen. Usually, online documentation contains context-sensitive help. Online documentation is separate from the software, unlike embedded help. Refer also to printed documentation.
- online help
- Refer to online documentation.
- on-screen documentation
- Refer to online documentation.
- ordered list
- An ordered list is a list in which the sequence of items is important. An ordered list does not always contain sequence characters. For example, an index is an ordered list, but an index is not a numbered list. Refer also to bulleted list; run-in list; unordered list.
- Oxford comma
- Refer to serial comma.
Ptop of page
- part of speech (POS)
- A part of speech is a category for words that have a particular function. Examples of parts of speech in English are noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and preposition.
- passive voice
- The passive voice is a structure of English in which a form of the verb (to) be comes before a past participle. Examples:
- The device will be tested (by the technician).
- The covers were broken quickly.
- The sample has been tested.
- past participle
- A past participle is the form of a verb that is used after the verb (to) have. Examples:
- The engineer has sampled the data.
- The technicians have found a solution to the problem.
- The accident occurred because the engineer had not tested the device correctly.
- PDF (Portable Document Format)
- PDF is a file format that Adobe developed. PDF is an open standard named ISO 32000. Refer to 'Adobe Portable Document Format' (
- perfect binding
- Perfect binding is a type of binding for printed documents. The pages are glued at one edge.
- persona
- A persona is a model of a typical user. A persona has characteristics that help a technical communicator to design a document for the people who will read that document.
- phrasal verb
- A phrasal verb is a 2-word verb or a 3-word verb. Usually, the meaning of the verb is different from the usual meaning of each word in the verb. Usually, the parts of the verb can be separated by a noun. For example, 'carry out' is a phrasal verb. "He carried his job out" means "he did his job".
- plain English
- Plain English is English that is written as clearly as possible. Plain English is primarily for people who use English as a first language. Refer also to international English.
- pop-up help
- Refer to pop-up window.
- pop-up window
- In context-sensitive help, a pop-up window is a small secondary window that appears when a user clicks a link.
- Portable Document Format
- Refer to PDF.
- post-editing
- Post-editing is the process of improving a machine translation. A translator corrects only what is necessary. For example, large grammar errors are corrected, but an unusual word order is not changed. Refer also to pre-editing.
- pre-editing
- Pre-editing is the correction and the optimization of text that will be translated. Usually, the term pre-editing refers to machine translation. Refer also to post-editing.
- preferred term
- A preferred term is a term that is used in preference to an equivalent term. For example, TechScribe uses 'user guide' instead of 'user manual'. Therefore, the preferred term is 'user guide'. Refer also to controlled vocabulary.
- preliminary matter (prelims)
- Preliminary matter is an alternative term for front matter.
- prepositional phrase
- A prepositional phrase is a noun phrase that starts with a preposition. Examples: 'on the table'; 'in your favourite large green shopping bag'.
- present perfect tense
- The present perfect tense is a tense that shows what occurred during a period of time that started in the past and continues to the present time. Its structure is the verb 'have' in the present tense and a past participle. Example: TechScribe has supplied technical documentation since 1999.
- printed documentation (printable documentation)
- Printed documentation is documentation that is supplied on paper or that is supplied electronically and which is designed to be printed. Refer also to online documentation.
- print on demand (printing on demand)
- Print on demand is a method for printing a small number of documents only when the documents are necessary. Usually, printing on demand uses digital printing.
- procedure
- A procedure is a numbered list of steps that tells a person how to do a task. Refer also to process.
- process
- A process is a sequence of things that occur in a system. Possibly, none, one, or many users are involved. In a description of a process, the focus is on how the system operates, not on what people do. Refer also to procedure.
Qtop of page
- QuikScan
- QuikScan is a format that makes printed documents and online documents easier to read. QuikScan uses numbered list items for summaries in the document. The numbers are related to numbers in the primary part of the text. Refer to
R top of page
- raster graphic
- A raster graphic is a type of graphic in which the image is made from dots (pixels). Refer also to vector graphic.
- reference manual
- A reference manual is a document that explains the parts of a product. Usually, for a software reference manual, each dialog box, screen, field, tab, and button is explained. A reference manual answers the question, "What is x?" Refer also to user guide.
- regionalization
- Refer to localization.
- restricted language
- Refer to controlled language.
- restricted natural language
- Refer to controlled language.
- restricted vocabulary
- Refer to controlled vocabulary.
- Rich Documentation Design Concept
- Rich Documentation Design Concept is a documentation method that makes technical documentation short and user-friendly. It is not an alternative to other methods (for example, structured writing or task-based documentation). It adapts these methods to remove all information that is not necessary. For more information, refer to Rich Documentation Design Concept.
- RSS feed (news feed)
- An RSS feed is an XML file that an organization puts on its website. Usually, an RSS feed contains short items of information about the organization and its products. Usually, each item has a link to a web page that gives more information. To read the information that is in an RSS feed, use an RSS reader.
- To know more about RSS feeds and RSS readers, refer to
- To read the TechScribe RSS feed, add this RSS feed to your RSS reader:
- rule-based writing
- Refer to structured writing.
- run-in list
- A run-in list is a list in which the list items are part of a sentence. Refer also to the terms in this run-in list: bulleted list; numbered list; ordered list; unordered list.
- running foot
- Refer to footer.
- running head
- Refer to header.
S top of page
- S1000D
- S1000D is an international specification for the production of technical publications. For English documents, S1000D recommends ASD-STE100. Refer to
- saddle stitch
- Saddle stitch is a type of binding for printed documents. The pages are stapled together.
- sans serif (compared with serif)
- A serif is a small projection on a character. Many traditional typefaces have serifs. A sans serif typeface is a typeface that does not have projections.
- For more information, refer to 'Which Are More Legible: Serif or Sans Serif Typefaces?' (
- schema document
- Refer to XML schema.
- screen capture
- Refer to screenshot.
- screenshot
- A screenshot is a copy of the content of a screen. Frequently, a screenshot is cropped to show only the important parts of the screen. Refer also to graphic.
- Scrum
- Scrum is a type of agile software development.
- Section 508
- Section 508 is a US law that came into effect in June 2001. Section 508 requires that all IT products (including their documentation) that are sold to US government organizations are accessible to people with disabilities.
- sentence memory
- Refer to authoring memory.
- serial comma (Harvard comma, Oxford comma, series comma)
- A serial comma is a comma that comes before a conjunction in a list of items. In each example that follows, the last comma is a serial comma.
- Examples of parts of speech in English are noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and preposition.
- For these documents, use only red, white, or blue covers.
- Series comma
- Refer to serial comma.
- serif
- Refer to sans serif (compared with serif).
- simple past tense
- The simple past tense is a tense that shows what occurred or existed in a time before the present time. Example: In 1999, Mike Unwalla started TechScribe.
- simplified English
- Simplified English can mean one of many types of controlled language, such as ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English, or EasyEnglish.
- simplified technological English
- Refer to ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English.
- single-source publishing
- Refer to single-sourcing.
- single-sourcing
- Single-sourcing is a method of creating documentation. Single-sourcing can be used when more than one item of documentation is necessary for a product. The components of all the documents are written in one source file. The writers of the source file specify which components are required for each item of documentation. Refer also to conditional text.
- social media
- Social media is websites and software that let people create and share content.
- software documentation
- Refer to documentation.
- Special English
- Special English is a type of international English from Voice of America ( Refer also to EasyEnglish; Global English; Globish.
- Specialized English
- Specialized English ( is a type of international English from Spotlight Radio. Specialized English is almost the same as Special English. Refer also to Basic English; EasyEnglish; Global English; Globish; Special English.
- split infinitive
- A split infinitive is a phrase in which one or more words comes between the word to and the base form of a verb. In the examples that follow, the bold words split the infinitive to go.
- I want to go to London.
- I want to quickly go to London.
- I want to quickly, cheaply, and without more unnecessary delay go to London.
- standard operating procedure (SOP)
- Refer to procedure.
- standard technical English
- Refer to ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English.
- standardized English
- Refer to ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English; controlled language.
- Society for Technical Communication ( STC is a professional organization for technical communicators. Refer also to ISTC.
- STE (Simplified Technical English)
- Refer to ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English.
- STOP (sequential thematic organization of publications) is a method of structured writing that was developed by the Hughes Aircraft Company in the 1960s. Refer to Sequential Thematic Organization of Publications (STOP): How to Achieve Coherence in Proposals and Reports (
- structured authoring
- Refer to structured writing.
- structured content
- Refer to structured writing.
- structured writing (structured authoring, structured content)
- Structured writing is a method of writing that applies engineering methods to documentation. Rules specify the structure of a document. Usually, information is 'typed' (for example, 'fact', 'concept', 'data value', 'procedure'). Refer also to controlled language; Information Mapping; topic-based writing; XML.
- style guide
- A style guide is a set of rules and guidelines that tell authors how to write documents. A style guide usually contains information about the sentence style, layout, typefaces, captions, headers, and other parts of a document. Refer also to style sheet; template.
- style sheet
- A style sheet is a set of rules that specify how a computer system displays the content of an electronic document. Refer also to Cascading Style Sheet; style guide; template.
- subject-matter expert (SME)
- A subject-matter expert is a person who has detailed knowledge about a subject. Possibly, the knowledge is tacit knowledge.
- syntactic cue
- A syntactic cue is a part of language that helps a reader to identify parts of speech and to analyse the structure of a sentence.
T top of page
- table of contents
- A table of contents is a list of chapters or sections that are in a document.
- In printed documentation, a table of contents is a list of chapters and subheadings with their related page numbers. The sequence of the list is the same as the sequence of the headings in the document. The table of contents is usually at the front of the document.
- In online documentation, a table of contents is a list of topics with hyperlinks to the topics. Usually, the topics are in groups of related information, and there is a hierarchy of expandable and collapsible headings. Usually, the table of contents appears as a navigation pane on the left side of the help window.
- Refer also to index.
- tacit knowledge
- Tacit knowledge is knowledge and experience that a person (usually, a subject-matter expert) has, but which has not been captured, and therefore, is not explicit. Refer also to knowledge acquisition.
- task analysis
- Task analysis is the process of finding and specifying the tasks that people do when they interact with a (software) system. Refer also to audience analysis; knowledge acquisition.
- task-based documentation
- Task-based documentation is documentation that is about the tasks that users must do in the context of their work, unlike documentation that explains the features of software. Frequently, task-based documentation is supplied as a user guide. Refer also to reference manual.
- Technical Communication UK (TCUK) ( is a conference each year for technical communicators.
- technical author
- Technical author is an alternative term for technical writer.
- technical authoring
- Technical authoring is an alternative term for technical writing.
- technical communication
- Technical communication is the communication of a technical message. Sometimes, the term is used as an alternative for technical writing, but technical communication includes all forms of technical instruction, such as technical illustration, multimedia design, and e-learning.
- technical communicator
- A technical communicator is a person who does technical communication.
- technical documentation
- Refer to documentation.
- technical simplified English
- Refer to ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English.
- technical writer
- A technical writer is a person who does technical writing.
- technical writing
- Technical writing is the communication of a technical message, primarily using text-based information. Technical writing is also known as technical authoring. Technical writing is part of technical communication.
- template
- A template is a document that is used as a model to create other documents. Refer also to style guide; style sheet.
- term
- A term is one or more words that has a specified meaning. Refer also to preferred term.
- termbase (terminology database)
- A termbase is a database that contains terms and related information.
- terminology list
- Refer to glossary.
- terminology management
- Terminology management is the process of collecting, recording, and maintaining the terms that are used in a specified subject. For a list of software, refer to Tools for language checking, terminology, and translation of technical documentation(
- TM
- Refer to
- topic
- A topic is a small part of a document that is about one subject. In online documentation, a topic usually has a title and information about a subject. In printed documentation, a topic usually is equivalent to a subheading and its content.
- topic-based authoring
- Topic-based authoring is an alternative term for topic-based writing.
- topic-based writing
- Topic-based writing is a type of structured writing that uses topics.
- training needs analysis (TNA)
- Training needs analysis is an analysis of the needs of people who will be trained. Refer also to audience analysis.
- translation automation
- Refer to machine translation.
- translation memory
- A translation memory is a database that stores translations of different languages. Refer also to translation memory system.
- translation memory system
- A translation memory system is software that helps human translators. Translators translate text. If the same text occurs again, the translation memory system shows the translation to a translator. The translator can use the translation or change the translation. The translations are in the translation memory.
- Travis CI
- Travis CI is software that helps the software development process by automatically building and testing code changes. Refer to
- tutorial
- A tutorial is "instructional mode documentation in which the user exercises software functions using sample data that is supplied with the software or documentation." (ISO/IEC 26514:2008).
- typeface
- A typeface is the name of the design for a set of fonts, for example, 'Times New Roman'. The terms font and typeface are not synonyms.
U top of page
- UA
- Refer to user assistance.
- UI
- Refer to user interface.
- unordered list
- An unordered list is a list in which the sequence of items is not important. Sometimes, an unordered list is a bulleted list. Refer also to numbered list; ordered list; run-in list.
- usability
- Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use (according to Jakob Nielsen, Usability is specified by five quality components: learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction. Refer also to accessibility.
- user analysis
- User analysis is an alternative term for audience analysis.
- user assistance (UA)
- User assistance is the techniques and technologies to make working with software a better experience. These technologies include online Help, wizards, websites, printed documentation, and improvements to the user interface (source text supplied by WritersUA).
- user guide
- A user guide is document that explains how to use software to do procedures. A user guide answers the question, "how do I…?" Refer also to reference manual; task-based documentation.
- user interface (UI)
- A user interface is the parts of a system that a person sees and uses to interact with the system. A user interface includes hardware such as a keyboard and a mouse. Frequently, the term user interface means the content that appears on a screen.
- user instructions
- Refer to procedure.
- user story
- A user story is a requirement that is written in the business language of a user.
V top of page
- vector graphic
- A vector graphic is a type of graphic in which the image is made from lines, curves, and other geometric shapes that describe the image. Refer also to raster graphic.
- verb
- A verb is a word that asserts (predicates) something. In the sentence, "English is a language," 'is' is a verb. In the sentence, "The technician dropped the container," 'dropped' is a verb.
- A verb is one of the parts of speech in English grammar.
- vocabulary list
- Refer to glossary.
- vocabulary management
- Refer to terminology management.
W top of page
- WebHelp
- WebHelp is cross-platform online documentation system from Adobe. It has similar functions to compiled HTML Help. Refer also to FlashHelp.
- white paper
- A white paper is detailed or authoritative report. For good information about white papers, refer to
- white space
- White space is an empty area on a page or on a screen. White space does not always have a white colour. The defining feature of white space is that white space does not contain text or graphics.
- wiki
- A wiki is a type of website. Users can create and edit web pages by using a web browser.
- WinHelp
- WinHelp is an early type of online documentation from Microsoft.
- wire binding
- Wire binding is a type of binding for printed documents. The pages are held together with a coil of wire.
- word list
- Refer to glossary.
- worldwide English
- Refer to international English.
X – Z top of page
- XML (Extensible Markup Language)
- XML is a markup language that is used for structured documents. Refer to
- XML schema
- An XML schema specifies the structure of an XML document. Refer to and Popular XML schemas are DITA and DocBook.