TechScribe raises the standards

PRESS RELEASE dated 2002-04-09

Sheffield-based technical communication company, TechScribe, is helping to develop a new ISO standard for software user documentation.

Known as ISO/IEC 18019, the new international standard will give technical authors new guidelines for the design and preparation of user documentation for application software.

Although not prescriptive, the standard will outline best practice for both on-screen and printed documentation. Important recommendations will include what information the software user needs and how best to prepare and present that information in the most appropriate document format.

As an industry expert and practitioner, Mike Unwalla volunteered to be an official reviewer for the standard.

"Our job is to evaluate the content of the various drafts of the developing standard and to send any technical and editorial comments to the British Standards Institution (," explained Mike Unwalla, principal of TechScribe. "We are also part of the editing team and are helping to implement the changes that have been agreed by the international committee that is producing the standard."

The international standard is expected to be published in early 2003. Its implementation will be a welcome upgrade to several existing standards, which have become outdated due to rapid changes in the field of IT.

"As this standard will supersede several others, software houses should make sure their authors know about it and go out and buy it as soon as it is available," explained Mike Unwalla. "TechScribe is already providing its services according to the new ISO standard. For us it is vital that our customers benefit from the very highest standards in presentation and usability."


Editorial Contact: Sharon Evans, Visionforce Marketing

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