
Index by Sarah Starkey, Professional Indexing, January 2008.


  1. #define statements
    1. see also model answer: functions to set
  2. *, user manual
  3. \n control character, user manual
  4. ?, user manual
  5. { }, user manual


  1. Abstract Data Types (ADT)
    1. description
    2. glossary definition
    3. specification of functions
  2. add function
  3. advanced features
  4. AL (authoring language) see authoring language
  5. alphamatch function
    1. ADT specification
    2. listing
    3. refinements
    4. testing for match
    5. user manual
  6. analyse match results function, not implemented
  7. analyse_mc function
  8. analyse_number function
  9. analyse_string function
    1. listing
  10. analysis of student answers
    1. difficulties
    2. limitations in CBT
    3. types
  11. ANSI compatability
  12. answer function
    1. options in model answer
    2. setting model
    3. user manual
    4. variables
  13. answers
    1. analysis
    2. analysis of multiple
    3. comparisons with model, user manual
    4. difficulties in analysing
    5. keywords
    6. limitations of CBT analysis
    7. partially correct
    8. recording
    9. spaces and punctuation
    10. spelling errors
    11. with more than one correct answer
  14. any-search function
  15. Augmented Transition Networks (ATNs)
    1. glossary definition
  16. author, glossary definition
  17. author error
    1. author error function ADT specification
    2. author error function not implemented
    3. description
    4. example
    5. messages
    6. messages, user manual
    7. user manual
  18. authoring language
    1. author language routines
    2. differences from program language
    3. future improvements to author language functions
    4. glossary definition
    5. problems with commercial
  19. authprog function
    1. listing
  20. auxiliary functions
    1. description
    2. refinements
  21. axiomatic approach, in ADT definition


  1. blank fill questions
    1. example
    2. glossary definition
  2. BNF (Backus-Naur Form), glossary definition
  3. braces, user manual
  4. branching commands, user manual


  1. C commands, user manual
  2. C implementation
  3. CAL, glossary definition
  4. CALL, glossary definition
  5. CBT
    1. description
    2. glossary definition
    3. limitations
    4. overview of products and features
    5. questions used
    6. unable to understand context
  6. chances function
  7. cleanstr function
  8. cleanstr function, listing
  9. clear function
    1. changed to clearbetween
    2. description
    3. requirements analysis
  10. clearall function
    1. ADT specification
    2. description
    3. listing
    4. requirements analysis
    5. user manual
  11. clearbetween function
    1. ADT specification
    2. listing
    3. renamed
    4. user manual
  12. cleardisplay function
    1. ADT specification
    2. description
    3. listing
    4. user manual
  13. client see company
  14. cohesion, in modular approach
  15. commands
    1. answer, user manual
    2. branching, user manual
    3. format, user manual
    4. used in PAL, user manual
    5. user manual
  16. comments, adding to program, user manual
  17. commercial authoring languages, problems
  18. communication between user and developer
  19. company
    1. background
    2. consultation about answer variables
    3. consultation on ideal matching functions
    4. post-implementation recommendations
  20. compare functions
    1. ADT specification
    2. incorporated into test function
  21. compatability, ANSI
  22. compiling program
    1. process
    2. user manual
  23. computer based training see CBT
  24. conclusions
  25. constraint handling
  26. constructive approach
    1. in ADT definition
    2. program design
  27. consultation with client
    1. about answer variables
    2. on ideal matching functions
  28. coupling, in modular approach
  29. courseware, glossary definition
  30. createprogram function
    1. ADT specification
    2. design
  31. cursor, requirements analysis


  1. Dean Associates see company
  2. delay function
  3. delete function
  4. delete-window function, requirements analysis
  5. developers, design and maintenance of PAL
  6. discussion and conclusions
  7. display commands, user manual
  8. distance learning, glossary definition


  1. environments
    1. MS-DOS/Unix
    2. foreign languages
  2. errors
    1. author error messages
    2. author error messages, user manual
    3. author, user manual
    4. student spelling and typing
    5. typographyical/syntax, user manual
  3. European number format
  4. exact-match function
  5. example program, user manual
  6. exclusions, in functions
  7. exit function, description


  1. F1 help key
  2. F1 help key, match result
  3. findword function
    1. ADT specification
    2. initial requirements
    3. listing
    4. refinements
    5. requirements document
    6. user manual
  4. foreign language environments
  5. frame, glossary definition
  6. free answer question
  7. FSM, glossary definition
  8. function calls
  9. functions see also specific function names
    1. ADT specification
    2. comparison
    3. design
    4. exclusions
    5. listings
    6. match
    7. not formally defined
    8. specification
    9. user friendliness
  10. future development


  1. gap fill see blank fill question
  2. getanswer function
    1. ADT specification
    2. initial requirements
    3. listing
    4. problem with format
    5. refinements
    6. requirements document
    7. structure
    8. user manual
  3. glossary
  4. goback function
  5. goto function
    1. description
    2. user manual


  1. hardware constraints
  2. hardware used in project
  3. head function, description
  4. header function
    1. ADT specification
    2. listing
    3. one screen line only
    4. refinements
    5. user manual
  5. help key match result
  6. HELPREQ match result
  7. hidecursor function, requirements analysis
  8. housekeeping, user manual
  9. human-computer interface
    1. glossary definition
    2. types

I - J

  1. if function
    1. description
    2. user manual
  2. implementation
    1. considerations
    2. definition of terms
    3. limitations
    4. verification
    5. verification procedures
  3. 'include' command, user manual
  4. intelligent spelling assistant
    1. initial idea
    2. prototype listing
    3. requirements
    4. user manual
  5. introduction
  6. introduction, user manual
  7. invariant assertion, definition
  8. isin function, description


  1. keepscore function
  2. keyboard errors
  3. keypress function, description
  4. keywords in answers


  1. languages
    1. natural-language processing
    2. spelling error rules
    3. use of PAL in non-English environments
  2. learner centred, glossary definition
  3. legalscmp function
    1. description
    2. not implemented
  4. legalsmp function
    1. description
    2. design
  5. length function, description
  6. lessons learnt
  7. licence agreements
  8. limitations of CBT
  9. linesin function, description
  10. listing, PAL functions
  11. listwrong function


  1. maintenance
  2. maintenance, user manual
  3. make-window function, requirements analysis
  4. manual, PAL user manual
  5. match functions
    1. analysis of result
    2. auxiliary functions
    3. character match
    4. get student's answer
    5. importance over other functions
    6. initial ideas
    7. number match
    8. refinements
    9. refinements to auxiliary functions
    10. refinements to character match
    11. refinements to number match
    12. requirements
    13. requirements analysis
    14. requirements document
    15. requirements, user manual
    16. results
  6. match parameters
    1. spelling, user manual
    2. user manual
  7. match
    1. number
    2. semantic vs syntactic
    3. string
  8. match_any function
    1. listing
    2. refinements
    3. specified using Abstract Data Types
    4. user manual
  9. match_ordered function
  10. match_ordered function, description
  11. match_parameter function
  12. match_to_next_wild function
    1. not implemented
    2. specified using Abstract Data Types
  13. matchesin function
  14. matchesin function, specified using Abstract Data Types
  15. matching question
  16. matchinteger function
    1. description
    2. requirements document
  17. matchreal function
    1. description
    2. requirements document
  18. mc, glossary definition
  19. mc functions
    1. design
    2. mc function listing
    3. requirements document
  20. mc2 mc3 mc4 mc5 mc6 functions
    1. listings
    2. refinements
    3. relationship to mc function
    4. specified using Abstract Data Types
    5. user manual
  21. mc_match function, requirements analysis
  22. memory requirements
  23. message function
    1. called by other functions
    2. description
    3. listing
    4. parameters
    5. specified using Abstract Data Types
    6. user manual
  24. model answer
    1. comparison functions
    2. comparisons with answer, user manual
    3. defining, user manual
    4. function to set
    5. options
  25. modular approach
  26. moving blocks question, glossary definition
  27. MS-DOS environment
  28. multiple answers, analysis
  29. multiple choice question
    1. see also mc;mc functions
  30. multiple choice, glossary definition


  1. natural-language processing
  2. new line \n control character, user manual
  3. NOANS match result
  4. NOMATCH match result
  5. number formats, European and British
  6. number match functions
    1. refinements
    2. requirements
    3. requirements analysis


  1. open ended question, glossary definition
  2. open learning, glossary definition
  3. operating systems
  4. optimization
  5. ordered-search function, requirements analysis
  6. overview of CBT products and features
  7. overview of project


  1. PAL (Prototype Authoring Language)
    1. commands table in user manual
    2. commands, user manual
    3. compiling and running, user manual
    4. files, user manual
    5. general information on using, user manual
    6. listings
    7. user manual
    8. writing a program, user manual
  2. parameters, variable number
  3. pause function
    1. description
    2. enhancements
    3. listing
    4. specified using Abstract Data Types
    5. user manual
  4. phonetic spelling problems
  5. place function, requirements analysis
  6. post-condition
    1. glossary definition
    2. in ADT specifications
  7. post-implementation problems
  8. pre-condition
    1. glossary definition
    2. in ADT specifications
  9. prerequisite computing knowledge, user manual
  10. problems
    1. identified in CBT products
    2. post-implementation
  11. program control functions, requirements analysis
  12. program design and maintenance
    1. advantages to modular approach
    2. constructive design philosophy
    3. modular approach
    4. overall program design
    5. validation
  13. program example, user manual
  14. program structure, user manual
  15. program writing, user manual
  16. programming languages
    1. implementation considerations
    2. authoring languages
  17. project
    1. need for project
    2. original requirements
    3. overview
    4. schedule of work
  18. Prototype Authoring Language. see PAL
  19. punctuation important in answers
  20. putcursor function
    1. description
    2. listing
    3. specified using Abstract Data Types
    4. user manual
  21. putmessage function, requirements analysis


  1. qcl, used in compilation
  2. questions used in CBT
    1. types
  3. QuickC commands, user manual
  4. QuickC editor, user manual


  1. ranking question
  2. recommendations to the company
  3. recording student answers, functions
  4. refinements to requirements documents
  5. reification, definition
  6. removeblanks function
    1. incorporated in cleanstr function
    2. specified using Abstract Data Types
  7. removepunct function
    1. incorporated into cleanstr function
    2. specified using Abstract Data Types
  8. requirements
    1. advanced features
    2. analysis
    3. constraints
    4. document
    5. hardware and software
    6. intelligent spelling assistant
    7. intelligent spelling assistant
    8. interpretation of user requirements
    9. lessons learnt
    10. match functions
    11. number match
    12. original requirements
    13. refinements
    14. string match
    15. system, user manual
  9. requirements documents, introduction
  10. reserved words table, user manual
  11. review of CBT
  12. running a PAL program, user manual


  1. schedule of work
  2. screen addressing functions
    1. requirements analysis
    2. user manual
  3. screen appearance
    1. changes
    2. prototype
  4. screen format, user manual
  5. select-window function, requirements analysis
  6. semantic constraints see also author error
  7. semantic match
  8. semantics, definition
  9. sequence function, description
  10. set-answer function, not implemented
  11. set-match-default function
  12. set_match_params function
    1. ADT specification
    2. description
    3. listing
    4. refinements
    5. user manual
  13. set_message_params function
  14. setcurrentmp function
    1. ADT specification
    2. description
    3. listing
  15. setting match functions, user manual
  16. setting up computer to use PAL, user manual
  17. showcursor function, requirements analysis
  18. skip function
  19. skiptill function
    1. ADT specification
    2. not implemented
  20. Software Requirements Engineering Methodology (SREM)
  21. software used in project
  22. source code file structure
  23. spaces important in answers
  24. specification
    1. functions
    2. revised in light of overview
    3. using ADT
  25. spelling assistant
    1. initial idea
    2. prototype listing
    3. requirements
    4. user manual
  26. spelling errors
    1. frequency
    2. matching function dealing with
  27. SREM (Software Requirements Engineering Methodology)
  28. stack size
  29. string match requirements
  30. student input see answers
  31. symbols table, user manual
  32. syntactic match
  33. syntax errors, user manual
  34. system
    1. initialisation, user manual
    2. requirements, user manual


  1. tail function, description
  2. test for match function, characters
  3. test function
    1. ADT specification
    2. incorporating compare functions
    3. listing for first version
  4. test procedures
  5. 'testability'
  6. testing, definition
  7. timeout function, requirements analysis
  8. tokenise function, description
  9. true/false question
  10. typing errors
    1. in program code, user manual
    2. in student answers


  1. Unix environment
  2. upper function
    1. ADT specification
    2. incorporated into cleanstr function
  3. user
    1. acceptance tests
    2. communication with developer
    3. interpretation of requirements
  4. user friendliness (author)
  5. user manual


  1. validation
    1. definition
    2. PAL design
  2. variables
    1. assigning, user manual
    2. declaring
  3. VDM, glossary definition
  4. verification
    1. definition
    2. of implementation
    3. problems
    4. process
    5. test procedures
    6. user acceptance tests

W - X

  1. wildcards and wild characters
    1. conditions
    2. in match parameters
    3. in spelling assistant
    4. user manual
  2. words which cannot be used, user manual
  3. write function
    1. description
    2. renamed
    3. user manual
  4. writescore function, requirements analysis
  5. writing a PAL program, user manual

Y - Z

  1. yes/no question

Preface | Contents | 1 Introduction | 2 Review | 3 Req. analysis | 4 Req. documents | 5 Specification | 6 Design | 7 Verification | 8 Discussion | 9 PAL manual | Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C | Glossary | References | Index